gifboothME Strip customisation


So you’ve booked our gifboothME for your event. Typically with most gif booth events clients will choose two layouts. One will be a photo strip and the other a single image layout which can be used for animated gifs, burst (boomerang) gifs and single still images. If you don’t want to have strips available that is fine but if you want gif functionality you do need a single image layout.

With gifboothME we should start with the question of if you have printing included or not. If you have printing included you’ll be limited to 6” x 4” single images and 6” x 2” for strips as that is our available paper sizes for printing. However if you dont’ have printing you can go with square or odd shaped templated.

We have 3 main choices here to customise the strips depending on how involved you want to get.

  1. Customisable Templates - this will show you templates that you can put artwork on, change colours of and or just put some text.

  2. Plain Templates - no artwork or text just some nice choices for your event.

  3. Fully Customised - Fancy your self or have a friend who knows there way around a design program - try this out.

Remember you can see some examples of artwork on the gifboothme main page here and further examples right here

1 Customisable Templates

We have a whole heap of printable templates here and if you don’t have printing even more templates here. You can download them and put your artwork/text on them or send us your artwork text and we will put them on an appropriate template. If you just have a colour scheme and some text you can send through the colours that you want and choose a font from any of the adobe fonts here and send through what you like. HINT you can write the text in the font program on the website to make sure you like the look of it before choosing.

Please email with the template(s) you’d like to use and any artwork you want to add (or send us a template with the artwork already added if you’re handy like that)

2 Plain Templates

You an see all of the plain templates here please email with the template(s) you’d like to use

3 Fully Customised

Hold in this could be a wild ride - we’ve tried to keep it as simple as possible.



We'll start with a little introduction to some of the terms we will be referring to below in our layout description.

Layout Size - The size of the entire artwork

Image Frame - The size of the image(s) to be placed on the frame (the photos taken in the booth)

Underlay - Artwork in .jpg format that will form the bottom layer of the end product. Any images and overlays are placed on top of the underlay.

Overlay - Artwork in .png format with transparency where required to overlay the images and any underlay artwork.

X position - The distance in pixels of the edge of an image frame from the LHS of the Layout Border.

Y position - The distance in pixels of the top edge edge of an image frame from the top of the Layout Border.

Available Layout Sizes

Your layout size and orientation will dictate the size and orientation of your final product. The overlay and underlay must be the same size (pixels) as the layout size. All sizes are in pixels W x H.  Please note the top 4 are the best options if you are using a print station.

  • 6" x 4" - 1920 x 1280 - Most common for landscape layouts - also best size for printing 6" x 4" images.

  • 4" x 6" - 1280 x 1920 - Most common for portrait single picture layouts - also best for printing 4" x 6" images.

  • 2" x 6" - 640 x 1920 - Traditional photo strip size - the best for printing 2" x 6" photo strips.

  • 6" x 2" 1920 x 640 - Horizontal photo strip - best for printing 6" x 2" photo strips

  • Square - 1600 x 1600

  •  1280 x 1600

  • 1080 x 1920 (mimics Instagram story resolution)


  • You can have multiple layouts for your event - the user will be able to choose the layout they want prior to their session in the booth. (for example most events will have a single image 4" x 6" and 3-4 image 2" x 6" option available)

  • You can have mutliple Image Frames on each layout. Typically with a photo strip you would go for 3 or 4.

  • The image frames can be any size, you are not held to typical 3:2 or 4:3 camera ratios. You can have different sized Image Frames on the same layout.

  • Overlays can be used as a 'filter' if you want to change the opacity or you can have elements mask part of your Image Frames for example a floral border.

  • You don't need both an overlay and an underlay. One or the other will work perfectly in most situations.

  • You can animate your overlay for the images by providing multiple .png images for us to add.  The first overlay image will be the one that prints. The software will create a repeating animation from your overlay.

what we need from you

For each of your layouts we need the following

  • A text or word document stating the following. Layout Size, number of Image Frames, each Image Frames size in pixels and each image frames X and Y coordinates. Here is a template

  • An overlay, underlay or both the same size in pixels as the layout size. .png for overlay, .jpg for underlay.

  • For animated overlays you can send us as many overlays as you like. Label them chronologically. For example XXX001, XXX002, XXX003 etc. You can also choose if you want the animation speed to be slow, medium, fast or super fast. If you're not sure don't worry we can send you a preview of the speeds.

If you're doing multiple layouts of each size it's probably best to send them in a zip file in separate folders and/or name each template and overlay accordingly.

gif layout specifications

Everything that is true for the still image layouts is also true for the gif image layouts except

  • Only one Image Frame per layout. We can't do multiple gifs on the one layout unfortunately.

  • When animating overlays, if you have more overlay frames than frames in the gif the animation of the overlay will continue whilst the gif will be frozen on it's final frame. This might make more sense after reading the below Gif options.

gif animation options


  • Number of frames - you can select from 3 to 6 frames to create the animation from.

  • Playback Speed - you can choose, slow, medium, fast or super fast. By default we use medium

  • Capture Interval - This is the time between taking the images that will make up the gif. By default we do 2 seconds but you can choose anywhere between 1 and 6 seconds

burst gifs

  • Number of frames - you can select between 10 and 16 frames.

  • Playback speed - again you can choose slow, medium, fast and super fast. By default we select Fast with our burst gif's.

  • Auto Reverse - this can be toggled on and off. Auto reverse gives the 'boomerang' gif effect and by default we leave it on.

Bringing this all together. Please send your customisation information and details to You can use this handy template to let us know how you'd like to customise the whole experience.